Module Contents#



A class representation for an Ocean Optics Spectrometer, Light source, and Probe


A class to manage the measurements taken by the SpectroscopyTool

class, name)#

Bases:, oceandirect.OceanDirectAPI.OceanDirectAPI

A class representation for an Ocean Optics Spectrometer, Light source, and Probe

For that we wil be unfortunately using their own SDK package, which is NOT open-source.

property _api_version#

The version of the Ocean Insight SDK

property _usb_device#
property _device_id#

The ID of the spectrometer

property _model#

The spectrometer model

property _serial_number#

The spectrometer serial number

property _integration_time#
property wavelengths#

Return list containing the wavelengths of the spectrometer.


A list of wavelengths

Return type:



Connects to the spectrometer device

integration_time(t: float, units: str = 'ms')#

Sets the integration time for the spectrometer.

  • t (float) – integration time

  • units (str, optional) – units of integration time, defaults to ‘ms’

scans_to_average(n: int)#

Set the number of scans to average together to compose a single spectrum.


n – number of scans to average

:type n:int

boxcar_width(w: int = None)#

Unit used to smooth the spectrum.

The boxcar width is the number of adjacent pixels that are averaged together to smooth the spectrum. Pixel average = 2* boxcar_width + 1


w (int) – boxcar width


Opens or closes light source shutter, if feature is available on light source.)


open – True opens the shutter/False closes it, defaults to False


Collect a spectrum with the specified experimental parameters

dark_spectrum(int_time: float, scan_num: int, boxcar_w: int = None, save: bool = False, path: str = None, filename: str = None)#

Collect a dark spectrum with the specified experimental parameters.

A dark spectrum is collected when no light is incident on the detector. This shuold later be used to correct the actual spectrum for dark counts (i.e. thermal noise). Note: these shuold be the same as the ones used for the actual spectrum.


int_time – integration time

_collect_raw_spectrum(int_time: float, scan_num: int, boxcar_w: int, int_time_units: str = 'ms')#

Collect a spectrum with the specified experimental parameters

  • int_time (float) – integration time

  • scan_num (int) – number of scans to average

  • boxcar_w (int, optional) – boxcar width for smoothing the spectrum, defaults to None

  • int_time_units (str, optional) – units of integration time, defaults to ‘ms’



Return type:

numpy array

collect_spectrum(location: science_jubilee.labware.Labware.Well | Tuple | science_jubilee.labware.Labware.Location, int_time, scan_num, boxcar_w, int_time_units='ms', save: bool = False, filename: str = None, path: str = None)#

Collect spectrum at the specified location on the labware

save_to_file(data, dark: bool = False, path: str = None, filename: str = None)#

Save the spectrum to a file

read_from_file(filepath, scale=True, reference_spectrum=None)#
static scale_intensity(data: list, reference_spectrum: list)#
class, raw_data)#

A class to manage the measurements taken by the SpectroscopyTool

generate_file(filename, path)#