.. _tool_postreqs: ******************* Tool Postrequisites ******************* Last Edited: Blair, 2023.11.10 Tool Parking Positions ====================== After you build a tool, you'll need to set the exact location of the tool so it can be picked up. * There is an overview of the process `here `_ on the Jubilee Wiki * We have also created `a Jupyter notebook tutorial <>`_ Tool Offsets ============ Tools come in many shapes and sizes. To accommodate tools of different heights and prevent crashes with the bed plate, we need to set a Z offset. To make sure that the tip of each tool is aligned to one another, we also need to set an X-Y offset. * There is an overview of the process `here `_ on the Jubilee Wiki * We have also created `a Jupyter notebook tutorial <>`_ for setting XY offsets. Duet Configuration ================== Each tool will need to be configured in software-- see individual tool documentation for more information.