.. _syringe_tool: ************ Syringe Tool ************ .. figure:: _static/syringe.png :scale: 25 % :alt: syringe tool 50 cc syringe parked on a Jubilee. Last Edited: Blair, 2023.11.11 See the `10cc Syringe tool `_ documented on the Jubilee project page. Here, we provide files to accommodate a larger 50cc syringe. Parts to Buy ============ * Syringe (10cc or 50cc) * The full shopping list can be found `here `_ and is the same for both the 10cc and 50cc syringe. Parts to 3D Print ================= * Parts to print for a 50cc syringe can be found `here `_. See above for 10cc syringe. * SolidWork files for the 50cc syringe parts are `here `_