.. _pipette_tool: ************* Pipette Tool ************* Last Edited: Blair, 2023.11.11 .. figure:: _static/pipette-flexure.jpg :scale: 50 % :alt: Front and back of the pipette tool. Front & back of the pipette tool .. figure:: _static/pickup.gif :scale: 40 % :alt: Pipette tool picking up a tip Picking up a pipette tip. Parts to Buy ============ * OT-2 Pipette (tested with gen1 and gen2) * See the shopping list for tool parts `here `_ Parts to Fabricate ================== * Pipette tool frame SolidWorks file and correctly sized parking posts can be found `here `_ Electronics =========== * `Wiring Diagram `_ Duet Configuration ================== * Instructions `here `_