.. _building_tools: ****************************** Building Science Jubilee Tools ****************************** All tools which are supported in ``science_jubilee`` are documented here. For existing tools, we link to documentation on the Jubilee project page and provide additional information where necessary. .. card:: Tool Prerequisites :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md Most any Jubilee tool will require a few parts, like a parking post and cable management. If you're new to making Jubilee tools, this page provides some background information. +++ .. button-ref:: tool_prereqs :ref-type: ref :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Tool Prereqs .. grid:: 1 2 2 2 :gutter: 4 :padding: 2 2 0 0 :class-container: sd-text-center .. grid-item-card:: Pipette :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md :img-bottom: _static/pipette-flexure.jpg To Use an OpenTrons Pipette with Jubilee +++ .. button-ref:: pipette_tool :ref-type: ref :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Pipette Tool .. grid-item-card:: Inoculation Loop :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md :img-bottom: _static/loop-card.png To hold inoculation loops, pens, or other probes. +++ .. button-ref:: inoculation_tool :ref-type: ref :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Inoculation Loop Tool .. grid-item-card:: Top-Down Camera :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md :img-bottom: _static/camera-card.png To hold a Raspberry Pi camera for imaging the deck. +++ .. button-ref:: top_down_camera_tool :ref-type: ref :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Camera Tool .. grid-item-card:: Side Camera :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md :img-bottom: _static/side-camera-card.png To hold a Raspberry Pi camera to image parallel to the deck. +++ .. button-ref:: side_camera_tool :ref-type: ref :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Side Camera Tool .. grid-item-card:: Syringe :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md :img-bottom: _static/syringe-card.png To hold a 10cc or 50cc syringe +++ .. button-ref:: syringe_tool :ref-type: ref :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Syringe Tool .. grid-item-card:: Lab Automation Deck :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md :img-bottom: _static/deck-card.png Deck attachment to hold 6 standard microplates + disposal containers +++ .. button-ref:: lab_automation_deck :ref-type: ref :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Lab Automation Deck .. card:: Tool Postrequisites :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md Once you've built a tool, it needs to be calibrated for use on the machine. See here for guides and help on the tool calibration process. +++ .. button-ref:: tool_postreqs :ref-type: ref :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Tool Postreqs