:py:mod:`science_jubilee.tools.Syringe` ======================================= .. py:module:: science_jubilee.tools.Syringe Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: science_jubilee.tools.Syringe.Syringe .. py:class:: Syringe(index, name, config) Bases: :py:obj:`science_jubilee.tools.Tool.Tool` A class representation of a syringe. :param Tool: The base tool class :type Tool: :class:`Tool` .. py:method:: load_config(config) Loads the confirguration file for the syringe tool :param config: Name of the config file for your syringe. Expects the file to be in /tools/configs :type config: str .. py:method:: post_load() Query the object model after loading the tool to find the extruder number of this syringe. .. py:method:: check_bounds(pos) Disallow commands outside of the syringe's configured range :param pos: The E position to check :type pos: float .. py:method:: _aspirate(vol: float, s: int = 2000) Aspirate a certain volume in milliliters. Used only to move the syringe; to aspirate from a particular well, see aspirate() :param vol: Volume to aspirate, in milliliters :type vol: float :param s: Speed at which to aspirate in mm/min, defaults to 2000 :type s: int, optional .. py:method:: _dispense(vol, s: int = 2000) Dispense a certain volume in milliliters. Used only to move the syringe; to dispense into a particular well, see dispense() :param vol: Volume to dispense, in milliliters :type vol: float :param s: Speed at which to dispense in mm/min, defaults to 2000 :type s: int, optional .. py:method:: aspirate(vol: float, location: Union[science_jubilee.labware.Labware.Well, Tuple, science_jubilee.labware.Labware.Location], s: int = 2000) Aspirate a certain volume from a given well. :param vol: Volume to aspirate, in milliliters :type vol: float :param location: The location (e.g. a `Well` object) from where to aspirate the liquid from. :type location: Union[Well, Tuple, Location] :param s: Speed at which to aspirate in mm/min, defaults to 2000 :type s: int, optional .. py:method:: dispense(vol: float, location: Union[science_jubilee.labware.Labware.Well, Tuple, science_jubilee.labware.Labware.Location], s: int = 2000) Dispense a certain volume into a given well. :param vol: Volume to dispense, in milliliters :type vol: float :param location: The location to dispense the liquid into. :type location: Union[Well, Tuple, Location] :param s: Speed at which to dispense in mm/min, defaults to 2000 :type s: int, optional .. py:method:: transfer(vol: float, s: int = 2000, source: science_jubilee.labware.Labware.Well = None, destination: science_jubilee.labware.Labware.Well = None, mix_before: tuple = None, mix_after: tuple = None) Transfer liquid from source well(s) to a set of destination well(s). Accommodates one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, and uneven transfers. :param vol: Volume to transfer in milliliters :type vol: float :param s: Speed at which to aspirate and dispense in mm/min, defaults to 2000 :type s: int, optional :param source: A source well or set of source wells, defaults to None :type source: Well, optional :param destination: A destination well or set of destination wells, defaults to None :type destination: Well, optional :param mix_before: Mix the source well before transfering, defaults to None :type mix_before: tuple, optional :param mix_after: Mix the destination well after transfering, defaults to None :type mix_after: tuple, optional