Move directly to an absolute (x,y,z) position while extruding material. Default extrusion amounts are calculated if not specified.Syntax #
fab.moveExtrude(x, y, z, [velocity], [extrusion], [multiplication])
Parameters #
Number, the x position to move to (in current units, mm by default)
Number, the y position to move to (in current units, mm by default)
Number, the z position to move to (in current units, mm by default)
v: Number, optional. The speed to move at (in current units/sec, inherited or 25 mm/sec by default)
Number, optional. Interpreted as either (a) the total amount of filament to be deposited over the move, or (b) a multiplication value to modify default caluclations, depending on value of `[multiplication]` parameter
Boolean, optional. If true, 'extrusion' value is used as a multiplication modifier to default extrusion calculation. If false, 'extrusion' value is used a total amount of filament to deposit in mm. False by default.